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Product Details

Custom Mural Wallpaper

  • Model:MU2920

  • Size:Customized size (Tell us Width&Height)

  • Price:$/ Square meter

  • Material available :Straw texture / Imitation leather / 3D relief / Waterproof silk cloth / Waterproof canvas /

    Self-adhesive canvas / Self-adhesive pvc

  • Usage:Living Room / Bedroom / Study Room / Kids’ Room / Wedding House / Elders’ Room

How to place the order

Step 1:  Measure your wall dimension: Height * Width  = Square meter

Example: You wall size : Width = 3.2 meters ; Height = 2.8 meters.

According to area size is: 3.2 M * 2.8 M = 8.96 Square meters.

Step 2:   Choose the right quantity in the order.  Square meter = Order Quantity

If you need 9 square meters, Please choose quantity 9 in the order.

If you need 7.1- 7.9 square meter, Please place the order of 8 square meter.

Step 3:  Mark the wall width and height below the order.

Example: I need size Width = 3.2 meters, Height = 2.8 meters ;

If we haven’t got the detail wall size within 24 hours, we will produce the following default size.

Tips : Please remark your favorite  size Below order , we will give priority to delivery.

If you need 9 square meters, please choose “1 square meter” and “Quantity 9” here.

Default size :

Quantity 1  :  1 square meter = 140cm(W) x 70cm(H) (4’7″ x 2’4″) ft

Quantity 2  :  2 square meter = 200cm(W) x 100cm(H) (6’7″ x 3’3″) ft

Quantity 3  :  3 square meter = 220cm(W) x 140cm(H) (7’3″ x 4’7″) ft

Quantity 4  :  4 square meter = 250cm(W) x 160cm(H) (8’2″ x 5’3″) ft

Quantity 5  :  5 square meter = 280cm(W) x 180cm(H) (9’2″ x 5’11”) ft

Quantity 6  :  6 square meter = 300cm(W) x 200cm(H) (9’10” x 6’7″) ft

Quantity 7  :  7 square meter = 330cm(W) x 210cm(H) (10’10” x 6’11”) ft

Quantity 8  :  8 square meter = 360cm(W) x 230cm(H) (11’10” x 7’6″) ft

Quantity 9  :  9 square meter = 380cm(W) x 240cm(H) (12’5″ x 7’10”) ft

Quantity 10 :  10 square meter = 400cm(W) x 250cm(H) (13’1″ x 8’2″) ft

Quantity 11 : 11 square meter = 420cm(W) x 260cm(H) (13’9” x 8’6”) ft

Quantity 12 : 12 square meter = 440cm(W) x 270cm(H) (14’5″ x 8’10”) ft

Quantity 13 : 13 square meter = 460cm(W) x 280cm(H) (15’1” x 9’2”) ft

Quantity 14 : 14 square meter = 480cm(W) x 290cm(H) (15’9” x 9’6”) ft

Quantity 15 : 15 square meter= 500cm(W) x 300cm(H) (16’5” x 9’10”) ft

Quantity 16 : 16 square meter=500cm(W) x 320cm(H) (16’5″ x 10’6″) ft


Please Notice:

  • 1.  Except self-adhesive oil canvas and Self-adhesive PVC material (Needn’t extra glue), Other materials need to purchase the glue. Nature rice glue or potato glue is recommended (Plant fiber glue).

  • 2.  We need to cut the mural into several pieces to suit for shipping. But any size will be the whole pattern. Hope for your understanding !

Material Introduction

  • Straw texture: Non-woven paper material, straw texture surface, breathable. 【non-adhesive】

  • 3D relief: Non-woven paper material, 3D embossed surface touch , breathable. 【non-adhesive】

  • Imitation leather: Non-woven paper material, artificial leather surface. 【non-adhesive】

  • Waterproof silk cloth: Surface smooth and bright, silk texture , durable and washable. 【non-adhesive】

  • Waterproof canvas: Surface matte touch, green fibre substrate, toughness and washable. 【non-adhesive】

  • Self-adhesive canvas: The same surface process as waterproof canvas, Self-adhesive sticker material .【self-adhesive】

  • Self-adhesive PVC: Thicken PVC Self-adhesive sticker material, matte surface , durable and washable ,could be used on bathroom and outdoor , even suitable for floor and anti-slip.【self-adhesive】

Product show

7 Material Available

1.  Straw Texture

2.  3D Relief

3.  Imitation Leather

4.  Waterproof  Silk Cloth

5.  Waterproof  Canvas

6. Self-Adhesive Canvas

7. Self-Adhesive PVC

Stitching Instructions

Tips:Just match the pattern and paste it in order.

Installation steps

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Item Specifics
Brand Name:
Charge Unit:
Wood fiber wallpaper
Chinese Style
Elders' Room,Living Room,Kitchen,Study,Bedding Room
Surface Treatment:
Textile Wallpapers
Model Number:
Textile Wallpaper Material:
Moisture-Proof,Smoke-Proof,Sound-Absorbing,SoundProof,Anti-static,Mould-Proof,Heat Insulation
3D,Mildew Resistant,Extra Thick,Environment Friendly,Formaldehyde-free
Mainland China
Shipping & Payment


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Yes. We provide free shipping to over 200 countries around the world. However, there are some locations we are unable to ship to. If you happen to be located in one of those countries we will contact you.

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For some shipping companies, it takes 2-5 business days for the tracking information to update on the system. If your order was placed more than 5 business days ago and there is still no information on your tracking number, please contact us.

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For logistical reasons, items in the same purchase will sometimes be sent in separate packages, even if you've specified combined shipping.

If you have any other questions, please contact us and we will do our best to help you out.


Order cancellation

All orders can be cancelled until they are shipped. If your order has been paid and you need to make a change or cancel an order, you must contact us within 12 hours. Once the packaging and shipping process has started, it can no longer be cancelled.


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  • If you did not receive the product within the guaranteed time( 45 days not including 2-5 day processing) you can request a refund or a reshipment.
  • If you received the wrong item you can request a refund or a reshipment.
  • If you do not want the product you’ve received you may request a refund but you must return the item at your expense and the item must be unused.

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  • Other exceptional circumstances outside the control of

*You can submit refund requests within 15 days after the guaranteed period for delivery (45 days) has expired. You can do it by sending a message on Contact Us page

If you are approved for a refund, then your refund will be processed, and a credit will automatically be applied to your credit card or original method of payment, within 14 days.


If for any reason you would like to exchange your product, perhaps for a different size in clothing. You must contact us first and we will guide you through the steps.

Please do not send your purchase back to us unless we authorise you to do so.

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